Photography Chair for the Alberta Summer Games | Torch Relay
This summer I had the pleasure of being the Chair of Photography for the Alberta Summer Games. As the Chair, I managed a team of around 10 different volunteer photographers as they photographed 14 sports, as well as, the opening ceremonies. Our goal was not to simply photograph the events, games and matches, but to try and capture the true spirit of the games. If you have ever been a part of such an large event, you know that the Games are for the athletes, but the spirit of the games not only comes from them. It also comes from the amazing volunteers, coaches, and spectators.
Since I took thousands of photographs myself over the course of the Games, I thought that I would share some of my favourites from the different events I covered over the weekend. Starting with the torch relay. A big shout out to the folks at Atco Gas who let me ride on the back of their lead vehicle so I could capture the relay without actually running alongside the participants. It was such a fun day to see so many local people out showing their support. Here are just a handful of the images I captured that day.