This is jungle Georgia...on the beach in Belize. Just outside our condo on our last day. Of course today with the snow blowing and the temperature lower than I imagined, it is easy to wish myself back on that beach ;)
I took 7000 images in Belize. I have been asked how many I took about 15 times already, so I thought I'd share that statistic. It's less than I thought actually. But, that's because there were times when I left my camera and just lived the experience instead of witnessing it through my lens. I find those moments so important as they always make me long to have a camera in my hands and it is important to feel that ache once in awhile. Plus, I spent a good deal of time learning on this trip...about light and bubbles and movement under water. It's a new beginning for me...shooting underwater. And, I can't wait to share more images with you. Not to mention, start shooting underwater sessions. Summer is coming and I am hoping for some sessions out at people's cabins, in their swimming pools, and all sorts of other fun water stuff.
While on vacation, I was also thinking lots about using your images to tell a story. Mostly because I have an online class coming up on the subject...I created a beautiful little story with these images...and another set with a coconut. I will be using them in the class ;) I go back and forth on teaching and whether I will continue doing it or not. The truth is...I learn so much while teaching that I sometimes wonder who's getting more out of it ;) But, something wonderful has happened in the last couple of years....a sort of freedom from caring what other people think--that's always held me back a lot truth be told. In all aspects of life, but especially when it came to the idea of teaching. And, so here I am...I feel like I am on the edge waiting to jump into the unknown. And, I'm excited...whatever it brings. So, if you would like to join me in my class here are the details: I say that it is for parents, but really it is open to anyone who can shoot on full manual. Email me if you have any questions :)
I promise to share more from Belize and from recent sessions and from Charleston(did you know I was there--well, I was) the coming weeks...
~ Dana