Calgary Graduation Photographer, Class of 2021
It’s that time of year—GRADUATION SEASON!!! And, if we have learned anything from the last year and a bit, it’s that giving ourselves some time to just ENJOY life is the thing we all need more of in our lives!! In that spirit, I think graduation sessions should be just that…no need to rush around on the day of the ceremony…take a day all by itself for photographs to celebrate your graduate!! And, let’s celebrate these kids!! They DESERVE IT!! So, I would love to chat with you about how to make the session extra special for your graduate!
This is Gracie. She is graduating this year and heading to UBC in the fall. I celebrated with her the other day in the sunshine and the blossoms. Every single person stopped to tell her how gorgeous she looked(I mean—COME ON!! sooooo gorgeous!!). And, I took my time to create the images she deserves. A wonderful mix of traditional portraits and quirky artsy stuff. CONGRATULATIONS Gracie!!

Bubbles. Fun at any age.
Dreaming of warmer days as it looks like the cold weather is moving in this week. Wishing I had a trip planned to a warm climate where we could blow bubbles to our hearts content.
Look at me blogging all week ;) I have been slacking in the blogging department, but I have been sharing lots on Facebook(not my favourite...if I'm honest it feels like a chore now...which makes me wonder exactly how much longer I'll continue to share there) and Instagram(which I love and is perfect for scrolling through while I play 'taxi-mom' which I do every day for a little bit anyways). Come find me over there! I'd love to connect. And, don't be afraid to comment here...I'd love to know if anyone still reads blogs. People keep telling me they are dead. I'd like to prove them wrong ;)
~ Dana