Climb Every Mountain | Calgary Family Photographer
When you shoot another photographer's family, it is always stressful. Even if that photographer is your dear friend. Truth.
We hiked up to Grassi Lakes. I had plans to catch some stunning views, but we did not count on a few things. First...oh man, it was so super busy. was way colder than we had anticipated. We rolled with it. We got what we got. The end goal was to get this photographer dad in some of the shots with his girls because, as a photographer, that doesn't happen often enough.
Mission accomplished.
And, if you want to give your eyeballs a treat, you should check out his work here.

The Colours of the World | Calgary Family Photographer
I've been mentoring a lot lately. This always gets me thinking...about things like blogging and actually sharing the work that I create I have said to many students--if I don't show it to anyone, how can I expect them to know that I've made it? ha.
I really loved this session because I just got to play with the kids and really see their personalities. Sometimes it takes awhile for a family to relax and be themselves, but not this family ;) Before I knew it we were having a disco party in the living room ;)

O Christmas Tree... | Calgary Family Photography
Absolutely the best way to end my busy season...with a session where the family let me be witness to the magic of Christmas through their little ones eyes. He wants a digger and a forklift. She wants a horse drawn carriage with Sleeping Beauty and Belle riding along. Such a special year this will be for these two munchkins. Such a treat for me to watch them put up their tree. I couldn't decide...colour or black and white.
This Little Light of Mine
I love my clients.
I got a studio so that I could try new things...explore and play. Lots of other photographers kept asking me what my plan plan I'd say. I mean...I had PLANS but that was the plan--no plan. hahahahaha. Just to try and get back to my roots. Back to those days when I used to ask my clients to do things and I'd take risks that maybe wouldn't pay off, but maybe they would. I figured that now that I had years of experience behind me, I'd have a better chance of pulling off some of those risks. How's that for honesty? hahahahahaha. I often don't know what the outcome will be...for me, it is a journey. A process. And, we work through it together. And, in the end, the images are a collaboration.
I am not a poser...I had to say that. I mean, I make teeny adjustments from time to time, but mostly, I give you a task and the 'pose' is a result of that. I felt the need to say that in light of a slew of comments on Instagram about one particular pose from this set. It made me chuckle because...not a pose. A cuddle. That's all ;)
I simply cannot wait to meet this wee little one.
And...if you check out the section of my website called 'For Photographers' you will see that I am teaching a class all about taking risks ;)