Simply Portraits Session | Pet Photography Calgary
The most common question I get asked is ‘Can we bring our dog?’. My answer is always YES. Dogs are my favourite. And, this fella has so many expressions I just couldn’t pick one photograph that was a favourite. I mean—his tongue is possibly the longest tongue I have ever seen!!!
His parents are pretty cute, too.
From a recent Simply Portraits Session….
A Girl & Her Dog
One nice thing about going back to see the same families is I know things about them...With this family, I remember when this dog had two eyes ;) I remember the email they sent me telling me that he'd lost one and how happy they were to have pictures of him from before that. I know how much this little girl loves her dogs...I know that she sings with them. And, last year, she cuddled with the smaller one...
I love this like my own in some ways. Our wedding anniversaries are so close, our kids are almost exactly the same age...we KNOW each other's parenting issues ;) And, it is such a treat to visit with them once a year...
~ Dana