A Very Special Graduate | Calgary Graduation Portraits
This very special graduation session happened in 2022—I’m just awful at keeping up with blogging(I mean, I haven’t even blogged my son’s graduation and he was in the class of 2020). These images are from my favourite niece’s graduation day. Anyone who has been following me for awhile will know her as she is my daughter’s BFF since birth ;) She allowed me to follow her around for the day so that we could get some more documentary type images, portraits of family, and some fun images of just her(and some with her bestie who got dressed up for the occasion as well). These were taken in Edmonton on the provincial Legislature grounds and at the Muttart Conservatory.
So proud of this kiddo as she is now studying dance at the University of Winnipeg. We miss her greatly though and I am so excited for her to come home for the holidays.
SCROLL DOWN for part two of this session where we did a Day After session…well, maybe not exactly the day after, but we did a session a little while after where she was just herself in her dress and her converse runners. Because this auntie believes you can never have too many images of yourself in the most beautiful dress you have ever worn!!

Those were all taken on the actual day of her graduation in Edmonton. The ones below were taken later that summer at my home in Okotoks. I love that she allowed me to take images of her with her every day hair and make up as the sun set across the street from my house.

Family Adventure Session in Ottawa
This fall, I spent a week in Ontario photographing families and presenting at The Uncommon Creative. One of those families was this lovely crew in Ottawa. If you are a photographer, you may recognize them as the duo behind Green Tea Photography. It is always a special honour when other photographers trust you to document their family. This is about 1/5th of the images I gave them, but enough to give you an idea of our time together. They just wanted to adventure around their neighbourhood which is what we did…starting at their home and ending with a lovely dinner together. The adventures we do together in an Adventure session don’t have to be big and grandiose. They just have to be YOU.