Calgary Graduation Portraits
In 2023, I had the opportunity to photograph a lot of young men who were graduating from high school. I think parents of young female graduates always think about having portraits done because there is so much effort that goes into their dress, their shoes, their hair, etc…but, I love that the class of 2023 did not leave out the boys!! There is something so special about seeing these young people at this moment of transition in their life from their childhood to adulthood. Many of them are finishing up their youth sports or activities and making big decisions about what they want for their lives. I love hearing all about their future plans. Getting to spend time with so many grads every spring truly brings me hope for our future.
If you have a 2024 graduate and are thinking about having portraits done, watch here and on my social media for my Black Friday specials to grad $200 off a regular priced session. There will be a limited number of these sessions available and they will be released at 9:00am on Friday, November 24th. When, they’re gone—they’re gone ;) Over the next week and a half leading up that, I’ll be sharing more examples of what you can expect from a graduation session plus some tips to getting the most out of your own session….so, watch here.

Adventure Session Out At The Barn
Everybody always seems to be in such a hurry these days. Especially families with teens. We are so busy running them to all of their things. But, the thing is…as you near the end of your 18 summers(have you all read that quote about 18 summers?), you realize how important it is to take time to slow down and just be together. That’s the adventure that we did for this family. A night at the barn where their daughter spends a lot of time and all of their pets could roam comfortably and be a part of the session.
I know the trend is to go small with a portrait session now—to rush it and go for a quick mini session, but, for me, my heart will always be in these longer sessions. The time and space allows everyone to relax and just be themselves. We are able to create a space where your family can just be together without constraints or cell phones or worrying about fitting everything in. We give ourselves the time for things to unfold organically. Yes, you get a lot of photographs and maybe you think you only need a few, but if you haven’t seen these photographs yet—how do you know what you are missing? I can tell you that in a mini session, there is no time to capture the true personality of your crew. I also know that if you wear clothes that aren’t your own or your force kids into stuffy outfits that they are uncomfortable in, that you won’t see your true selves in the photographs. I want to show you who you are in your family portraits. Maybe that’s something you feel has been missing in your past family portraits—so, if you are ready to see the beauty of your life, try an Adventure Session with me this fall. I still have room in my schedule. before the snow flies.

Simply Portraits Session | St. Patrick's Island YYC
Family portraits with toddlers can seem really daunting. That’s why I have a few suggestions…don’t get too caught up on the idea of perfection. Once upon a time, the idea of a family portrait session mean insisting on perfect outfits where everyone is smiling gently at the camera. The reality is—toddlers do not like to be controlled…so, instead of forcing them to behave a certain way, let’s just go with the flow. Come ready to cuddle, laugh and play. Bring snacks and just focus on how much you love being together as a family. Make wishes, give kisses, cuddles, and beard tickles. If we can do that instead of worrying about some other generation’s idea of perfection, we will always come out ahead with a much more enjoyable experience.

Calgary Graduation Photographer, Class of 2021
It’s that time of year—GRADUATION SEASON!!! And, if we have learned anything from the last year and a bit, it’s that giving ourselves some time to just ENJOY life is the thing we all need more of in our lives!! In that spirit, I think graduation sessions should be just that…no need to rush around on the day of the ceremony…take a day all by itself for photographs to celebrate your graduate!! And, let’s celebrate these kids!! They DESERVE IT!! So, I would love to chat with you about how to make the session extra special for your graduate!
This is Gracie. She is graduating this year and heading to UBC in the fall. I celebrated with her the other day in the sunshine and the blossoms. Every single person stopped to tell her how gorgeous she looked(I mean—COME ON!! sooooo gorgeous!!). And, I took my time to create the images she deserves. A wonderful mix of traditional portraits and quirky artsy stuff. CONGRATULATIONS Gracie!!