Winter Engagement Session | Calgary Wedding Photographer
I have shared a few of these on social media already, but haven't yet done so here. We were so incredibly lucky to get a beautiful snow fall with a bit of sun. Especially this year...when the snow here has been minimal. This couple is getting married in July and their wedding will set a record for past brides being present. I will have to get a photograph of me with all of them ;) It will also be my first wedding in a big red barn!! Can't wait ;)
I know I've been kind of quiet here lately, but I've been busy shooting, teaching, and preparing to launch my new studio sessions. Keep an eye out here for some awesome opportunities to be amongst the first to be photographed in my new studio coming soon ;) And, I still have a couple of spots for weddings this fall if you know of anyone who is looking!! Some popular dates are still open.
~ Dana
5 Minutes
That's all she gave me. I don't blame her really. It was freezing. But, that's all it remind me why I do this. Because, it's true what they all just passes in the blink of an eye. My beautiful girl...taken on the side of the road where the trees looked oh so pretty on our way home from getting a hot chocolate at Starbucks. Even though she is looking so grown up, I know that she will always be my baby :)
~ Dana