Canada Photo Convention Podcast
I was asked by the fine folks at the Canada Photo Convention to do this podcast....thought I'd share it here, too :)
~ Dana
Being featured in an industry magazine is one thing. Being featured in this project is entirely another. At least to me...this is such a deeply personal, totally beautiful project created by the amazing Amy Grace from A Beautiful Life Photo. The images and the words that have been contributed there are so beyond beautiful that I do not feel worthy. Seriously.
I often struggle with trying to create work for myself that is meaningful to me...and trying to create commissioned work where that meaning carries over. Where is the fine do I capture what other people want and what I want at the same time. I struggle and wonder if I should become more like other photographers. If I should do things 'the way everyone has always done them'(or the way that is popular in the moment)...or if I should just keep doing my own thing. When I see the work of the photographers in this project...the personal work that they have shared, the answer is so clear.
So, head on over to Motherhood With A Camera and enjoy browsing at everyone else's work. Mine is in there, too ;)
~ Dana
Award Winning Family Images
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to brag. Just a bit.
Three award winning images. Yay for underwater work ;) Yay for maternity work(I love it so). And, yay for my beautiful little girl(one of my favourite images from the last year). I am humbled by the talented company amongst the award winners.
Thank you,
A Wee Promo
Recently, I hosted an interview between the wonderful Tara Whitney and the fabulous Lori Nordstrom about how they use digital files in their business plans. You have to be a member of the NAPCP to view the interview, but you can see my little promotional video for the chat here: [vimeo][/vimeo]
I know that the NAPCP has planned more of these interviews as a resource for it's members. I have made my very own wish list of people that I would like to chat with and the topics that we might discuss. I even included a couple of 'ohmygodiftheyactuallyagreed' photographers. For me, those individuals included Stephanie Rausser and Dani Brubaker. I love their fresh approach and the sense of humour that is evident in their images. I would love to have the opportunity to discuss their commercial work with them, but I would also LOVE to hear about their personal work. I am particularly enamoured with Stephanie's project that she did about her daughter and her stuffed doll, Coco.
If you had the opportunity to make a list, who would you put on it? What sorts of topics would you include? Winter is coming and with it comes a time to seek out new ideas and inspiration. Where are you going to find yours?