Summer Vacation 2019 | Pughville in Dubrovnik
We had an amazing time in Croatia!! We caught a ferry from Bari, Italy over to Dubrovnik. We decided to book chairs instead of a cabin which was a mistake since we didn’t really get much sleep so we were exhausted on our first day in Dubrovnik. We did stay at the most amazing Airbnb place. A clean, basic apartment with the best hosts we have ever had. They took the time to provide us with a schedule of how we should attack Dubrovnik based on the cruise ship schedule—which was awesome as we truly beat the crowds that way. This is really a magical city with lots to do and see. One of our favourite foreign cities ever. I was sure to try Anthony Bourdain’s favourite black risotto while I was there. It was really good and the squid ink didn’t stain my mouth for too long ;)
Here is the link to our Airbnb which we can’t recommend enough:
The beaches in Croatia are rocky—just so you know. Good water shoes help with that. It was so hot when we were there that the rocks definitely weren’t enough to keep us away from the water—ha.

Because I Love It -- Teenage Bullrider
Earlier this year, I decided to focus on a couple of different personal projects. One of them has the working title ‘Because I Love It’ and it’s a project about teenagers and the hobbies/activities that they love. This young man, Holden Atkinson, agreed to be my first subject and I got to go ‘backstage’ at a rodeo documenting him and his friends while they did their thing. It felt great to get out and photograph something just for me and I am super excited to start sharing more of these little projects(and photographing more—so, if you know of someone who would like to participate, please have them reach out).
Eventually, this will be a diptych project, but I thought it would be neat to show you the series of images that lead to the eventual diptych(two closely associated photographs put together).
So, here’s Holden…go check out his Facebook page here:
This is such an important step for me—moving out of my comfort zone and photographing something that, although inspired by my own kids and their love of their past times, has truly nothing to do with either of them. I feel like I’m all grown up now…stepping into a different arena of photography entirely. And, it’s exciting!
I was recently in Charleston, SC for the NAPCP retreat. They had a senior shoot out organized and styled by the amazing Sarah Lane from Napa Valley. I thought I'd share some of my favourite images from the event(well, my favourite of this location and couple...who were my favourite). If you are Canadian, you are probably wondering 'seniors'? Hello? What? the USA, grade 12 seniors often have their own photo sessions to celebrate their graduation. Their parents will even buy full page spreads in the year book to showcase said images. Um, what? Right? Canadians are so behind the times ;) hahahaha...when I first heard about seniors photography, I thought I'd be shooting in a nursing home. hahahaha. nope. And, Sarah Lane(who is unbelievably sweet and kind), is the queen of seniors so it was fun to work with her. Even if no one will ever hire me for a senior's session! Check out this cute location and sweet couple.
Thought we could use a break from the underwater stuff. I promise to share more Belize images on my blog and, eventually, I'll add a Belize slideshow to my world images gallery.
Oh! And, I'm off to Vancouver for the Canada Photo Convention. I know--ANOTHER TRIP--well, this is it for awhile, so soon I'll be all caught up and able to blog more(at least that's what I'll tell myself).
~ Dana
Project 52: Week One: NYC
Hello :)
I'm not good at these projects--especially the 365's, but I've had it in my mind to do a once a week one for awhile. I'll post the results here. Sometimes they won't be on 'time' as I am shooting a bit of my personal work in ~gasp~ film. But, I'll number them by the week so you can all keep track should you care to.
The only rule I'm going to impose is that it cannot be an image of my kids. This week I have so many to choose from because I just walked the streets of NYC with my husband and NO KIDS for the last few days. I know that some weeks, I will be running out at the last minute and snapping something quick, but...I am thankful that I am starting out on such a positive note.
I took this at the Highline Park in the West Village. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to do a family session at that park one day...we found out about it in one of our 'usual' ways. We always ask people what they suggest we do when we go somewhere. On this morning, we had brunch at Cafe Gitane in the Jane Hotel after I read about it on Pinterest(true story). I pinned it on my travel board and one of my friends said that they had just had brunch there and it was, we went. I had the Orange Blossom waffles with fruit and two cappuccinos(Bob has this nasty habit of setting the alarm clock when we are on holidays--so I was in need of caffeine). The song 'Skinny Love' by Bon Iver was playing and I said to the waitress that I thought that this song was arguably one of the best songs of all time...then, we started chatting. She was from North Carolina...we told her we once vacationed on Bald Head Island. She had just returned from her Christmas visit there....and, then we said--what would you do if you had some time in this area. And, she said 'I would walk the High Line can get cold, so you have to be prepared, but it is really a neat little walk'. So, we did. It is the old train line that has been converted to a park area that is also an 'art walk' with neat little exhibits displayed throughout. It was a great little find. Thank you lovely waitress from North Carolina...